One Last Game

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Bevan Technology
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in Computer & Video Games #48

One Last Game

Still not tired of zapping aliens? Here's another no-nonsense fast-moving zap-'em game clearly aimed at addicts.

One of a set of five new games releases from Bevan Technology. One Last Game features horizontal rather than vertical action with moving landscape - hillside alternating with city - and a whole host of aliens boasting varying degrees of speed and cunning.

Your mission is simple. You must destroy the aliens, variously named Slimeys, Rapiers, Zits, Rammers, Invulnos and Vogons, before they destroy you and before your fuel runs out. When you collapse in your seat exhausted, after battling your way through the first screen, you can't afford to relax - there are nineteen more screens to come!

If you get frustrated at your inability to get past the first two screens, you can opt at the start for a later screen, just to get a taste of the action to come.

And that's it. A slick, unpretentious little arcade action game with neat graphics and enough variety in the individuality of the aliens to redeem it from tedium.

Other Reviews Of One Last Game For The BBC/Electron

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One Last Game (Bevan Technology)
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