Sinclair User


Author: Jim Douglas
Publisher: Electric Dreams
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Sinclair User #69


Nihilist is, to all intents and purposes, very, very similar to Pulsator from Martech.

You play a fairly uninteresting circular character who has to glide around an extensive map, collecting keys and opening doors and not getting killed by the bad guys. Everything is viewed from above.

So what's new? Not a great deal instead of being the largely passive type that you played in Pulsator, your objective in Nihilist is to kill.

Perhaps I'm sounding a bit too negative. The graphics move smoothly and there is some fun to be had from zapping the droids. Unfortunately, perhaps not enough for the price.

Overall Summary

Acceptable release bringing forth absolutely nothing new for your pleasure. ED is capable of better.

Jim Douglas

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