Mr. Mephisto

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Euro-Byte
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Computer & Video Games #55

Mr. Mephisto

The devilishy difficult demands made by Mr. Mephisto will have you dead beat. But eager for more of his demented designs...

Mr. Mephisto first saw the light of day some eighteen months ago as a full price game. Now Bug-Byte has issued it at a knockdown price.

Armed with three lives, you set out to climb the stairway to heaven - but don't be surprised to find yourself falling into hell.

Mr. Mephisto

You progress through the screens on a moving stairway, doding demons who will kill you and collecting various objects in the right sequence before moving on to the next screen.

There's even a sneaky part where the stairways are invisible. And falling off the edge of the stair of platform takes you right back to the beginning of the game. That's very annoying when you've sweated and battled through several screens.

It will be interesting to see whether this difficult and challenging game makes it second time round.

Other Reviews Of Mr Mephisto For The Commodore 64

Mr. Mephisto (Bug-Byte)
A review by PC (Personal Computer Games)

Mr. Mephisto (Bug-Byte)
A review by Ferdy Hamilton (Commodore User)