Merlock The Mede

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Terminal
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Computer & Video Games #51

Merlock The Mede

Whilst we were at the PCW Show, a strange-looking fellow with a flowing cape and odd jerkin approached our stand, and smiled. Being of true adventurer stock, the whole team shuffled back a few paces and looked around for visible exits. He winked, and with a swish of his rather grubby cape, vanished into the crowd...

The event had almost been forgotten, until loading Merlock The Mede. Who should appear on the cover and title screen, but the very same character, cape and all.

There are two games in the package, one on each side of the tape. Yes, great value for money, but not much use if one fails to load...

Merlock The Mede

The games are the first in a series casting you as Merlock - a helpful chap who jaunts around the countryside helping folk in need.

The game which loaded, The Deeds Of Glengary Hall, begins with a few screens of instructional bumph to set the scene and explain who you are.

Whilst drinking some brown liquid sold to the locals as ale, a nervous-looking man comes over to your seat in the inn and explains his plight.

Merlock The Mede

His mildly insane and decidedly nasty uncle seemed to have the same mentality as the famous J. Pierpont, Flathead: "If I can't have the money, no-one can!" The deeds to his plush residence have been hidden away, and before the young man can inherit, he must... You get the idea.

The graphics are much like those of Colditz (Phipps). The are component-designed, which cuts down the variety. They can be turned off, but you still have the feeling that the memory space could have been better used.

In my travels I found only a handful of objects, most of which seemed useless. The descriptions are brief, and much of what is included seems irrelevant. Most of the locations are corridors, landings, stairways and rooms.

There's a digital watch up for grabs if you crack the games. I suppose you could take the view that paying six quid for a watch isn't bad, assuming you have the patience to play through the game!

Other Reviews Of Merlock The Mede For The Spectrum 48K/128K

The Deeds Of Glen Garry Hall/The Ashes Of Alucard (Terminal)
A review by (Crash)

Merlock The Mede (Terminal)
A review by S.J.E. (Home Computing Weekly)

Merlock The Mede (Terminal)
A review by Richard Price (Sinclair User)