The Micro User

Match Day

Author: Alan Cockman
Publisher: Ocean
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in The Micro User 3.12

Macho Match

The simple but attractive title screen of Match Day gives a foretaste of the superb 3D graphics to come in this new football game from Ocean Software.

The players are both chunky and colourful, with the man nearest the ball being controlled either by joystick or re-definable keys. The other players are controlled by the computer, moving with the flow of play.

The game is fast and furious, with the camera view scrolling to keep up with the play. The normal rules of football apply, with the exceptions that there are only eight players per side — a fact which doesn't seem to be noticed when you are playing - and there is no half time or change of ends of players.

Match Day

> The clock above the centre line starts with 90 minutes showing, but this is not real time, each game lasting approximately 10 minutes.

Any infringement of the rules results in a blast on the whistle, then the appropriate throw in, goal kick or whatever is awarded. A goal is loudly applauded by the crowd.

Playing against the computer is fairly difficult, but this game really comes into its own when other members of the family are involved, and soon an inter-family competition develops.

> There are one or two minor criticisms which in no way detract from enjoyment of the game. The program cannot be transferred to disc - the loading time is nearly five minutes- and the instruction screens leave a little to be desired

Rom Manager users will need to turn their ROM off before loading the game or the screen display will be badly affected.

Alan Cockman

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