Home Computing Weekly

Henry's House

Author: M.W.
Publisher: English
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #100

This arcade game loaded easily and quickly and then went through a demonstration mode. These screens have been photographed and reproduced on the cassette inlay so you get an idea of what to expect.

The aim is to guide young Prince Henry around his royal household exploring and investigating every corner. It is a ladders and levels game, but not straightforward. Each screen is different, set in another room, and for each new room a new strategy must be discovered.

The instructions do not explain any of the strategies, but give hints as to which article in the room is important as far as gaining access to the next room is involved.

Overall this is a good game with increasingly difficult levels. The graphics are well done and the music passable.

Using the birth of Prince Harry to sell a computer program is questionable, but the game has sufficient originality to make it a best seller. I have just one query. Why is Prince Henry wearing an Arthur Scargill hat?


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