I understand this program comes from Japan. All I can say is, if
this is typical of the imminent invasion, UK programmers rule
OK. The insert says you are a frog cornered in an alley, defending
yourself from attacking objects and cannon balls. The screen is a
line-drawn perspective of a topless tunnel, half of which appears
to be rushing past you.
Maybe there was a misunderstanding in translation: objects flying
towards you are clearly tadpoles, changing through their life
cycle as you score hits.
Having resolved this identity crisis, what of the game? Controls
give limited movement in the usual four directions and fire -
unfortunately, not simultaneously. Movement response is quite
slow and key choice implies that the Japanese are double-jointed.
Graphics are not wildly exciting and you are firing tennis balls
if the sound is anything to go by. No loading or insert instructions,
keys and scoring being given on initial screen. Might be acceptable
as a magazine listing, but as commercial software - forget it.