Forgotten City

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: H.A.W.K. Adventuring
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Computer & Video Games #70

Forgotten City

Reports from an earth monitoring satellite have pinpointed a source of radiation coming from the open sea in the Atlantic. You become convinced that these emanate from the legendary lost city of Atlantis, and become interested in the many myths surrounding it. If Atlantis does exist, then so might Neptune's Power Trident!

Here you get the chance to explore Atlantis, in this Quilled graphic adventure. Neatly presented on screen, with some nice detailed pictures and a smart character set, this is an above average homegrown adventure.

Despite my own reservations about Atlantis, which I always thought to be under the Mediterranean (Didn't the invading Treen spaceship blow up and let the Atlantic in through the Straights of Gibraltar? - Dan Dare, Eagle, December 8th 1950) here is exceptionally good value for money.

Other Reviews Of Forgotten City For The Spectrum 48K/128K

Forgotten City (Hawk)
A review by Derek Brewster (Crash)

Forgotten City (Hawk Adventuring)
A review by Mike Gerrard (Your Sinclair)