This is a text-based adventure, supplied as two programs. On
side one is the graphics title program, which does not have to
be run in order to load the main adventure program on side two.
In the title, good use is made of sprites, and I have seen games
with less thought put into them than this.
When you load and run the adventure program, you must
remember to depress the alphalock key because all
commands are given in lower-case letters. Help is available by
sending an SAE to BP Software.
One fault: if you obey the loading instructions given in the
title program you will simply re-load that program. You must
turn the cassette over and rewind it to its start before you can load
the game itself. This is not made clear, and could cause confusion
to someone new to computing.
Bad spelling detracts from an otherwise good adventure, which
involves finding your way off the planet before it explodes within
100 T states, where each instruction takes .5 T states so you
cannot afford to make any errors. This program needs Extended Basic.