Hmm... Draughts Genius sounds like the cowboy who fitted my double glazing. With this game Hewson has tried to do for that ancient board game what Domark did for Trivial Pursuit - and haven't done a bad job of it.
The setting is Einstein's study. Scientific paraphernalia provides the backdrop, whilst a neatly drawn 3D board separates you from the man himself. You can play against a friend or the computer, or simply watch ol' Alfy play himself. Your pieces are moved by simple cursor control, and the computer responds at a specified skill level. Level one response is instantaneous, but you'll have to wait half an hour for a move at level eight!
Little ditties strike up at various stages of the game, whilst Einstein does Roger Moore impressions with his wrinkles. Overall, it's as good a game as you could expect from an essentially dull concept. Would appeal to draughts fanatics, but I can't see it converting the average game player into a hardened chequer board freak.