Decision In The Desert

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: U. S. Gold
Machine: Atari 400/800/XL/XE

Published in Computer & Video Games #51

Decision In The Desert

Decision In The Desert is the follow up to MicroProse's Crusade In Europe. The format and presentation are similar to Crusade. Five campaigns are covered, centering on North Africa between 1940 and 1942.

They are Sidi Barrani, dealing with the British victory over Italian troops; Operation Crusader, a month-long battle between Rommel and the British at Tobruk; Gazala, dealing with what is thought to be Rommel's finest hour; First Alamein, the last of the great mobile desert battles and Alam El Halfa, the beginning of the end for Rommel.

There are variants to each of the scenarios for the players - either one or two - to exercise his military skills in an effort to alter the outcome.

The player is provided with a wealth of gameplay information, which, although appearing quite complex at first, can be mastered with time and effort.

The historical notes are quite comprehensive and, although it is not really necessary to read them to play, they add a lot of atmosphere to the game. The only real drawback about Decision In The Desert is the price. It's a little on the steep side and would probably discourage all but the most dedicated player.

Other Reviews Of Decision In The Desert For The Atari 400/800/XL/XE

Decision In The Desert (US Gold)
A review by G.C. (Home Computing Weekly)