Have you ever fancied yourself
as Guy Gibson flying your
beloved Lancaster equipped
with Barnes Wallis's bouncing
bomb? Look no further than
Alligata's Dambusters.
You fly over landscape made
up of a single green line .. . but
use your imagination. The aim is
to destroy as many dams as you
can before enemy fighters get
you. The dams are also heavily
protected by anti-aircraft guns.
So you must dodge the flak,
destroy the fighters, and aim and
drop your bomb too.
The bomb sight is the
ingenious dual spotlight system.
You try to get both beams of
light as close together as possible
on the surface of the water.
This is a lively and interesting
simulation. The game isn't easy
to master and the number of
keys to be pressed - seven —is
rather overwhelming.
The sound isn't all that
exciting and there are no bonus
screens or real game variations
apart from a general speeding up
and the appearance of more
enemy planes.
An exciting and involving
game, but not as addictive as one
might expect.