One of the main uses of home computers, apart from alien zapping, is the storage and retrieval of information in databases. These can be based on any topic and the Complete Cocktail Maker is a database concerned with that complex set of drinks. It contains information in over 300 with details of how much of each ingredient is needed. Not only that, but it tells you how to mix them and what type of glass to serve them in.
On loading, you are presented with the command menu which gives you four options.
Browse allows you to look through all the recipes in alphabetical order. For each drink you are given the liqueur flavour needed, the spirit required as well as any other ingredients. The recipe also suggests what decorations to use and the mixing
method. A picture is drawn of the type of glass to use which also gives some idea of the final colour of the drink.
Option two is A Drink Containing. You specify which ingredients you want, chosen from four different lists. Any cocktail containing your specified substances is then displayed on the screen. In the event of none being found the program reverts to Browse mode.
A Drink Made Using sounds almost identical, but in fact means that not all of the ingredients have to be used in the cocktails. You could enter the entire stock of your drinks cabinet and find all the cocktails you could make.
The final option allows you to enter the name of a cocktail and the computer will display its recipe. If you enter part of the name, all drinks containing the letters you entered will be found.
The program comes with a twelve page booklet which clearly explains how to use the program. The whole package is well produced and, if you are into cocktails, it's very useful. The trouble is, it contains no samples.
Rog Frost