An Extended BASIC cassette filing program for all those who have either been unable to master file processing or don't have the time or patience to produce their own routines. In some respects it is better than the Personal Record Keeping module, in others, worse.
For the price, I reckon it's very good value. Each file consists of up to 100 'cards', and each card can contain up to four items of information. The name of a file can be up to 14 characters, and the names of the items of information can be up to 24 characters. Each item of information can be up to 23 characters, allowing you to store a greater amount of data per item than the 15 offered by the PRK module.
However, only four items per page places some restriction on, for example, an address book file. Among the options are Insertion, Deletion, Addition of items, and alphanumeric sorting by item. Documentation is sparse, but then little is needed for a program which is largely self-explanatory. For large files, however, cassette storage is impractical and rather risky, due mainly to the problem of shedding oxide and consequent drop-out.