
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Rodeo Show

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Nick Roberts
Publisher: Tynesoft
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Crash #67

Buffalo Bill's Rodeo Games

Yee-ha! Ride 'em cowboy! Yes siree, all the thrills and spills of a wild west rodeo moseys on into town courtesy of Buffalo Bill himself. Six events, play them individually or as a series -the choice is yours, out to test your ability to be a rootin' tootin' son of the west.

Try your hand at knife throwing and see your beautiful assistant spiked on the rotating board (whoops!). Pointing the sights at the place you want the knife to land (careful now...), but don't forget that the board turns. If you miss the horse in the paddock laughs at you!

Next comes trick shooting; time to get your pistol out and have a shot at the baddie targets as they rise and tall from the ground. But it's no good getting trigger happy with these targets, you might just shoot the teddy bear out of the hands of an innocent little girl who just happens to be strolling by!

Buffalo Bill's Rodeo Games

Calf-roping is another wild west favourite; ride your horse to the side of the call and simply lasso it with the rope. But it's easier said than done, and many a CRASH writer has ended up in the dirt! Bronco riding is really funny to watch but not so amusing when is you being thrown off a bucking horse!

Steer wrestling is the next event, and this seems impossible; jumping from a galloping horse and clinging to a rampaging steer for dear life cannot be classed under 'fun'! The last stage - the grand finale - is a good stage coach rescue. The hero rides up against a speeding coach, jumps onto its side, climbs up and beats an indian in a fist light to rescue the lair maiden.

This is all good wild west fun and I am totally addicted. The graphics are excellent, with colourful detailed back drops, well drawn animated sprites and action just bunting out of every event. There is a good dose of country style tunes and plenty of hoot-trotting effects. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Rodeo Show is a fantastic game whether you play it on your own or with a group of friends.



'Just when you thought it was safe to forget the sports simulation... Well, it's not really a sports sim I suppose, if only because the idea behind this multiple event challenge is so original. It's great; the events are as difficult as any other multi-eventer (there's three skill levels as well!). The graphics are fine, the sound's very atmospheric on the 128, and the gameplay is wildly addictive. All topped off with marvellous presentation - it's great!'

Nick RobertsMike Dunn

Other Reviews Of Buffalo Bill's Rodeo Games For The Spectrum 48K/128K

Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (Tynesoft)
A review by Duncan MacDonald (Your Sinclair)

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