Billy Bluebottle is an ingenious, sophisticated and dedicated
saviour of the fly world with amazing strength enabling him to
move large objects around provided he has enough energy.
This can be replenished by eating mouldy food.
On the first screen Billy's mission is to rescue a fly from the
flooding basement by taking him a pump, but Billy must avoid the
people, flycatchers and flyspray.
He can use a lift to travel between levels but careful positioning
is required to use it safely.
To move the pump requires a great deal of energy replenishing
and I have yet to succeed within the time. There are three screens
to be completed, but it is possible to cheat by selecting the starting
The characters are too small and the first screen is plain. The
second and third screens are more complex and look better.
The game controls are left, right, and fly and they are sensibly
located, and there is a Kempston interface option. There is also a
throw key which seems to be useless.
Billy Bluebottle represents a difficult, but uninteresting,