This is a fast-moving arcade-type action game. The screen displays large, variously shaped asteroids moving through space and endangering your ship. By rotating your ship and moving forwards, you try to avoid them, or shoot them with your lasers. When hit, an asteroid breaks into several smaller ones. There are also UFOs and space mines to contend with.
You have three lives per game. Game speed is selectable in ten steps from slow to impossibly fast. Your score and the highest score recorded, are displayed at the end of each game.
ZX Asteroids is good fun to play, although the graphics are not particularly subtle. The action is generally good and the game is responsive, even at high speed. Control of your space craft takes a while to master, it keeps moving forwards indefinitely once the thrust key is pressed and the only way to stop is to rotate through 180 and thrust forward again.
Not possessing a joystick, I had to use the ZX81 keyboard although a joystick option is included. It is a 16K game and is recorded on both sides of the cassette.