Find out if you can succeed where Freddie Laker failed. The name of your company is L-AIR.
Short for Laker Airways?
You are expected to increase the assets of your company from £3m to £30m in seven years.
All sorts of information is available. You decide how many planes to charter based on
information in a bar chart forecasting payload market. Once this is done, you have to
insure your planes and select the level of staff to operate your airline efficiently. If you
flourish, you may get an opportunity to buy a plane.
Just when you think that your business is doing well, you may hit hard times in the form of
increased fuel costs, cancelled flights due to strikes, air crashes, sabotage, even hi-jacks
by the PLO. If you survive all this, you will realise your lifelong ambition - and take over
British Airways.
The information provided is helpful, but it may take you a little while to understand the
graphs. A thoroughly enjoyable game.