Status: Active. Still producing software. Software no longer available direct from publisher.
8 in 1: Berzerk/Tomboy/Ski Hunter/Asteroid/Pyramid War/Grand Prix/Bermuda/Sea Quest(1983)
8 in 1: Bowling/Boxing/Chicken Cross/Autolaw/Sky Diver/UFO Tank/Ski/Basketball(1983)
8 in 1: Boxing/UFO/Autolaw/Draught/UFO Tank/Square Game/Basketball/Football(1983)
8 in 1: Brain Game/Surround/Bingo/Ski/Sky Diver/Laser/Chicken Cross/Mathmatics(1983)
8 in 1: Cosmic Ark/Tank Attack/Zig Zag Battle/Scuba Diver/Boom Bang/Jet Car/Tennis/Football(1983)
8 in 1: Donkey Kong/Air & Sea Battle/Kaboom/Pit Fall/Mafia/River Raid/Basket Ball/Frogger(1983)
8 in 1: Duck Pass/Ski Hunt/Rocket Ship/Desert War/Motocross/Enduro/Fank Fighter/Galaga(1983)
8 in 1: Dunkey Kong/UFO Ship/Volley Ball/Space Raid/Evil Attack/Fire Dragon/Fire Burg/Bermuda(1983)
8 in 1: Ele-Cop/River Cross/Elevator/Zimag/Gunship/Submarine/Spiderman/River Raid 3(1983)
8 in 1: Flying Saucer 2/Mathematic/Draught/Rabbit/Flag/Golf/Football/Helicopter(1983)
8 in 1: Frog Saooting/Combat/Rocker/Tennis 1/Othello/Bingo 2/Solt Racers/Ant Party(1983)
8 in 1: Golf/Ski Hunt/Fishing Durbt/Deep Bomb/Mathematics/Chicken Cross/Basketball/Skydiver(1983)
8 in 1: Hockey/Fishing/Cannon Ball/Tennis/Millipede/Out Law/Cow Boy/Sea-Air Battle(1983)
8 in 1: Mariana/Boom Bang/Ice Hockey/Dragon Defender/Laser Blast/Ski Run/Space Raid/Enduro(1983)
8 in 1: Mathematics/Sky Diver/Rabbit Gate/Ski/Golf/Bowling/MASH 1/Chicken Cross(1983)
8 in 1: Paratroops/Pingo II/Laser Blast/Bowling/Football/Ant War/Fancy Car/Tic-Tac-Toe(1983)
8 in 1: River Raid 3/Ele-Cop/River Cross/Elevator/Happy Kid/Gunship/Scuba Diver/Superman(1983)
8 in 1: River Raid 4/Donkey Kong 2/Robot City/Spectra/Bank Heist/Robot Attact/Jaw/Laser Ship(1983)
8 in 1: River Raid III/Pac Kong/Pyramid War/Saturn 5/Turmoil/Time Warp/Space Ship(Assault)/Fishing(1983)
8 in 1: Super Ferrari/Fire Dragon/Space Raid 2/Ice Polo/Ski/Boom Bang/Laser Ship/Mariana(1983)
8 in 1: Surrounding/Minigolf/Ski/Bingo/Mathematics/Rabbit Crossing/Guided Lightning/Air Diving(1983)
8 in 1: Tennis/3D Othello/Laser/Mini Golf/Cowboy/Surrounding/Baseball/Arlsee Battle(1983)
Air Bone(1983)
Base Attack(1983)
Fire Burg(1983)
Grand Prix(1983)
River Raid II(1983)
Sea Hawk(1983)
Sea Hwak(1983)
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