Status: Active. Still producing software. All software available direct from publisher's website.
Art In Pascal(1986)
Font 464(1984)
Ftl Modula 2(1988)
FTL Modula-2 Complete Development System(1987)
Hisoft C Integrated Compiler Editor(1984)
Hisoft C Integrated Compiler Editor(1985)
Hisoft Devpac80(1985)
Hisoft Devpac80 v.2(1987)
Hisoft Forth(1986)
Hisoft LISP Interpreter(1987)
Hisoft Turbo Basic(1984)
Hisoft TurboBasic Integer(1987)
Knife Plus(1984)
Knife Plus v3.03(1987)
Knife v2.11(1985)
Knife v2.33(1986)
Nevada Cobol(1984)
The Knife(1985)
The Torch(1985)
Utilidades Sistema(1986)
Write Hand Man(1985)
Your Horoscope(1985)
Your Yealth Expert System(1985)
Your Second Manual(1990)
Proflight 1.1(1990)
Proflight 1.2(1991)
SuperBasic Extensions(1985)
Devpac v1(1983)
Devpac v4(1984)
HiSoft Assembler(1983)
HiSoft BASIC(1986)
HiSoft BASIC(1987)
Hisoft C v1.0(1984)
Hisoft C v1.0(1986)
HiSoft COLT Compiler(1985)
HiSoft Debugger(1983)
Hisoft Pascal 4T Compiler(1983)
Your Health(1985)
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