Address: 35 Dean Hill, Plymouth, PL9 9AF
Status: No longer producing software. Software no longer available direct from publisher.
Elementary Statistics(1984)
Make Sam Smile 2(1986)
Introductory Genetics(1986)
Music Tutor(1984)
Action Of The Heart(1983)
Chemical Equations(1983)
Data Logging Analysis Statistics(1984)
Gore Point(1983)
Graph Plotter(1983)
Make Sam Smile(1985)
The Saxons(1985)
Understanding Physics(1984)
Wordsquare, Sea Battle, Pick-A-Pair(1983)
Coordinates And Lines(1984)
Directed Numbers(1984)
Dominoes, Three & Fives Plus Disputing Tens(1984)
Make Sam Smile 3(1985)
Pyramid And Casino(1983)
Traditional Board Games(1983)
Wordsquare, Sea Battle, Pick-A-Pair(1984)
French Tuition - Diagnostic Tape(1983)
French Tuition - Future Tense(1983)
French Tuition - Vocabulary(1983)
Paris Trip(1983)
French Tuition - Perfect Tense(1983)
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