Genre: | Unknown Genre Type |
Publisher: | Sportscene Specialist Press |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | Spectrum 48K, Spectrum 128K, Spectrum +2, Spectrum +3 |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st October 1989 |
Original Release Price: | Unknown |
Market Valuation: | £3.00 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Item Weight: | 124g |
Author(s): | - |
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Okay, so it's a bit limited graphically, but so what when it's dead playable and good for a laugh?
Canyon Warrior (Mastertronic Plus)
A harmless enough effort, but I can't see myself loading it up again in the near future.
Desperately slow golfing variant of the Football Director strategy format that makes the original look like R-Type.
Much to my surprise, Dragon Spirit really won me over. A tricky progressive vertical scroller with some nice touches.
It's a bit of a laugh, but take away the bizarre characters and neat graphics and you've got a very samey beat-'em-up with a severe lack of combat moves.
Gilbert: Escape From Drill (Again Again)
Gilbert hits the Speccy with a suitably snot-packed epic which will keep all but the most hardened gamesters satisfied. "Interesting... very interesting!"
If you desperately want to impress (or bore) everyone with your wide-ranging knowledge, bit can't quite afford the real thing, Hi-Q Quiz could come in handy.
A sort of French answer to Times Of Lore. On a smaller scale in some respects, but with a much greater variety of gameplay. Enjoyable, and colourful.
Magnetic Moon (FSF Adventures)
Some nice humour, good character interaction and plenty to explore. It's not a Megagame by any means, but I don't think anyone who buys it will be disappointed.
Mutant Fortress (Players Premier)
A nice touch is the mantraps which immobilize you for a while - best to jump over them. It's a shame they couldn't have come up with a few more bits and pieces like that, and maybe a couple more levels to pad it out a bit.
An addictive little number, but a bit marred by things like dubious computer returns and the inability to take on a mate.
PacMan is PacMan, however many dimensions it's displayed in, and addictiveness is affected accordingly. At the asking price, though, definitely worthy of consideration.
Graphics are generally fine, particularly the village houses which can be reduced to ruins with one grenade... A darned sight better than most of the purpose-built cheapie stuff around.
Graphics take priority here, with some excellent animation, but, although it's really just a tarted-up scrolling beat-'em-up, Scooby's great fun underneath too.
Loads of screens (although most of them are rather vacuous), slick, cutsie graphics and an alarming tendency to keep one riveted for hours. Great.
Dreadful. Quite dreadful. Problems include dodgy collision detection, primitive graphics, cursor-key controls... I could go on.
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