Genre: | Unknown Genre Type |
Series: | Number 6 in Psytronik Tape Collection (Commodore 64) |
Publisher: | Psytronik |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | Commodore 64, Commodore 128 |
Release: | Professionally released on Cassette |
Available For: | Commodore 64/128 |
Compatible Emulators: | WinVICE 2.4 x64 (PC (Windows)) Commodore Emulator (PC (MS-DOS)) |
Original Release Date: | 26th October 2008 |
Original Release Price: | £4.99 |
Market Valuation: | £3.00 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Item Weight: | 64g |
Box Type: | Cassette Single Plastic Clear |
Author(s): | Richard Bayliss & Jon Wells |
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This is a fairly shallow game, based on running around a planet flicking switches and killing things - the gameplay's about as deep as a padding pool. But it's undeniably fun in the short term. Read Review
Awesome puzzle and blasting action from Jon Wells, the author of Sceptre Of Baghdad
Take control of one of the cyborbs Boto and Veti who have become trapped on a doomed alien planet inhabited by deadly robot-flying objects!
Use your wits, cunning, laser blaster and Super Jetpack to defeat your robotic foes. Keep your blaster topped up with Ammo Pods and reveal more locations on the mysterious planet by using switches to deactivate the generations.
Your mission is to escape from Arth.
Supernova of the Star Sirius imminent... Turn off generators to open gateways... Find five access codes and seek launch craft to enter and escape... before the blast destroys Arth... Message ends...
Look for a lever with the same colour as a blocking wall - these are the main connection.
Disabling a generator will open a wall; this gives you access to more of the planet!
Objects dropped by destroyed RFOs disappear after a short while so make sure you are quick to collect them. Glowing objects denote a weapon power-up. If you collect the Nuke Bomb your next three shots will destroy all the RFOs on the screen - so make them count!
During play you'll discover pointing arrows - these indicate a doorway entrance and also tell you which way it's header. When you locate an energy lever or ammo pod, walk over to it to switch off or collect respectively.
When you shoot certain RFO's they will drop an object that you can collect. These objects will either increase your score or improve your weaponry.
Finally, try to remember what's in each room as you play so you know what's coming up next time. The key to completion of this game is careful planning; more than just blasting (Don't forget you've only got a limited supply of ammo and time before Arth is destroyed!)
Let the mission begin!
Use a joystick plugged into port 2 to control Voto or Veti
Left/Right while on foot - Run left/right
Up - Thrust upwards using Super Jetpac (Left and Right to thrust in that direction)
Down while standing still - Enter doorway to new location
Fire - Shoot Plasma Gun
Other secondary controls are:
F1 - Choose Male/Female player, F3 - Sound Effects On/Off, F5 - Select difficulty level
100 points are awarded for every new screen you enter.
100-1,000 points are awarded for various collectables and power-ups
2,000 points are awarded for disabling a generator (switching off a lever)
5,000 points are awarded for escaping from Arth
10,000 points are awarded for destroying the giant RFO (Robot Flying Object)
An extra life is awarded every 100,000 points.
Hold down SHIFT and press RUN/STOP
Concept, Story, Graphics, Game Design & Code by Jon Wells
Music by Paul Hannay and Richard Bayliss
Tape Loader by Paul Hughes, Mastering by Richard Bayliss
Loading Screen by Jason MacKenzie
Artwork/Concept by Alf Yngve. 3D Version by May Recardo
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