Genre: | Arcade; Platform Game |
Publisher: | Dreamin' Bits |
Machine Compatibility: | Amstrad CPC464, Amstrad CPC664 |
Contest: | #CPCRetroDev2017 |
Release: | Released as Public Domain software on Cassette |
Available For: | Amstrad CPC464/664 |
Compatible Emulators: | WinApe 2.0b2 (PC (Windows)) |
Original Release Date: | 12th November 2017 |
Box Type: | Not a physical item so no box |
Author(s): | - |
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Cris. Odd Prelude is an adventure game in a world of dreams where anything can happen.
The story runs on Amstrad 464 and 6128 on mode 0 with gorgeous sixteen colors. It features exploration, platforms and some animated enemies spread over oneiric landscapes.
Somewhere deep in her heart, little Cris knew she shouldn't have approached that odd door. Firstly, there was *never* such thing as a door on that wall, at least as far as she could remember. Where did it come from? Second, reckoned the girl, how on earth could that door open to such an odd world, gleaming with unearthly colors in the place where the living room should be?
You must help Cris find her way in this strange world. To do that, we'll use a very common layout for both Amstrad and PC/Mac keyboards:
Left / Right cursor - O / P Run left or right
Up Cursor - Q Jump / climb / hang on to ledge
SPACE - Grab blocks to pull them
And if you fail on some little acrobatics, don't worry too much; in the world of dreams you'll always be given a new chance. Good luck!
A team of five met up over a beer somewhere in Madrid and decided to give life to this project. Meet "Dreamin' bits":
Code/Production: Tulo
Art: Alberto Hache
Music: Jose A. Martin
A 2017 Dreamin Bits production
We challenge you to get to see this credit screen at the end of the game. It may be hard. But we trust in you.
The site:
The twits:
The code: (github site with 6128 version coming soon...)
This is all for now. We hope you enjoy our little odd game!
Yours, the Dreamin' bits team.
The following utilities are also available to allow you to edit the supplied screens of this game:
A digital version of this item can be downloaded right here at Everygamegoing (All our downloads are in .zip format).
Download | What It Contains |
3" Disc | A digital version of Cris Odd Prelude suitable for WinApe 2.0b2 (PC (Windows)) |
A digital version of Cris Odd Prelude suitable for WinApe 2.0b2 (PC (Windows)) |
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