Genre: | Unknown Genre Type |
Publisher: | MSM Ltd |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | Amstrad CPC464, Amstrad 6128, Amstrad CPC664 |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st October 1985 |
Original Release Price: | £0.95 |
Market Valuation: | £1.50 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Item Weight: | 90g |
Author(s): | - |
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It's not perfect but it compares well with machines costing over four times as much and must represent the best value for money ever seen in microcomputers.
The Way Of The Exploding Fist (Melbourne House)
Gameplay is what counts and here it is superb. The actual sprites are spectacular too; large with smooth movements, they overlap correctly so that your left leg swings behind your foe with your right leg in front.
The idea of a flight simulator is very good one, but I am afraid to say that the realisation of this marvellous idea has not been absolutely successful.
The only real problem with this is, if you've already played the original Sorcery, you have got to get an awful long way in to the game to get to the new bits.
This program could be addictive to the right person but I found it unplayable at times and tended to rate slightly lower than the cat on the high score table.
A very high quality program, both in content and competency of programming... Will provide a perfect introduction for novice adventurers as well as old hands.
The original was on a one colour vector display but Kuma have improved things and used the four available colours in mode one to create a more realistic 3D effect.
The Master Of The Lamps (Activision)
You can't die and the worst that can happen is that you may be sent back to the beginning of the last tunnel. This means that however badly you play, you can get to the end and, if you persevere for long enough you can complete the game.
If you want to add another platforms and ladders game to the collection, you could do worse than this.
North Sea Bullion Adventure (Kuma Computers)
This game would not even make a bad magazine listing. As a commercial piece of software it plumbs new shallows.
First Steps With The Mr. Men (Mirrorsoft)
The games are simple, but bright, colourful and appeal to children.
A specialised and serious product that I enjoyed tinkering with.
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