Genre: | Unknown Genre Type |
Publisher: | Future Publishing |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | Amstrad CPC464, Amstrad CPC664 |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st December 1989 |
Original Release Price: | Unknown |
Market Valuation: | £1.50 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Author(s): | - |
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Outstanding... The game is the best movie licence this year - if not ever - capturing the same dark and dominating air that pervaded the film.
Dangerous, high speed fun... We've always been told not to drink and drive, but to Drift and drive is electrifying.
Buffalo Bill's Rodeo Games (Tynesoft)
Beautifully drawn backdrops... but it becomes boring to play. It may occasionally surface from your collection when you have a few mates round and you want something you can all play together though.
A lot more fun with two players, but this seems someone has to suffer the keyboard controls.
One of the best budget games we've seen... Beautifully detailed, clear, colourful and impressive graphics.
Brutally destructive fun, although all you do is tour from city to city and destroy; one ruin looking just like any other to me.
A classic shoot-'em-up with massive firepower and one I'll certainly play for a long time to come.
If I'd seen Action Fighter in the arcades five years ago, I wouldn't have played it then either. Pretty enough but shallow and hackneyed gameplay.
An interesting idea, but that's about it. Icon-driven games just don't work on the CPC.
Instant, addictive fun. It might actually be a bit too easy, but it's great fun nevertheless.
Panic Beneath The Sea (John Packham)
Although the graphics are nothing to rave about (as with most GAC games), and the parser is unfriendly in places, the puzzles are well though out and cleverly implemented.
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