Genre: | Unknown Genre Type |
Publisher: | Argus Press |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | BBC Model B, BBC Model B+, BBC Master 128, Acorn Electron |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st July 1988 |
Original Release Price: | £1.50 |
Market Valuation: | £2.50 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Author(s): | - |
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Spycat (Superior/Acornsoft) (BBC/Electron)
A game which is fun to play... and nice to see Superior doing something a bit different.
Pip Goes To The Moon (Northern Micromedia) (BBC Model B)
The package comes with a sample printout and a series of illustrations which can be used in games and other activities.
Albert's House (Hummec) (BBC B/B+/Master 128)
Another very pleasing program from Derek Allen with the usual delightful graphics... An excellent stimulus for language development.
The Yellow Brick Road (MEP North) (BBC Model B)
This package has a lot to offer... The handbook is very helpful to busy teachers - and those who find adventures beyond them! - giving solutions to the problems.
The Princess And The Ring (Unknown) (BBC Model B)
The interest level is aimed specifically at younger children so older ones may find the adventure frustrating.
The Mysteries Of Lamcote Manor (Unknown) (BBC Model B)
Most of the problems taken individually are well-presented, although there's little new.
The Nature Park Adventure (Sherston Software) (BBC B/B+/Master 128)
There are some amusing touches with the game's children shrinking in size, meeting up with spiders and two Hitchcock style beetles (Lou and Bill)!
Upper Juniors: Adventures In English Series (Homes McDougall) (BBC Model B)
Wrecker's Rock and McGinty's Gold are two packs I'd be happy to use.
Whispy Wood (R.E.S.O.U.R.C.E.) (BBC Model B)
This program will enhance any project on woodlands undertaken with upper juniors.
Bush Rescue (4Mation) (BBC Model B)
A pleasing addition to 4Mation's excellent range of adventure programs... It develops many important skills at a fairly high level and provides the busy teacher with numerous practical ideas for the classroom.
The Arthur Project (Unknown) (BBC Model B)
Despite the fact that I've not been overenthusiastic about some elements, the principle of the multimedia pack is an excellent one.
Scoop (British Telecom) (BBC Model B)
Similar to Typesetter, this is a very well-produced package and is obviously heavily subsidised by BT.
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