Genre: | Compilation Of Arcade Games |
Publisher: | Argus Press |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | BBC Model B, BBC Model B+, BBC Master 128, Acorn Electron |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st January 1984 |
Original Release Price: | £1.95 |
Market Valuation: | £2.50 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Author(s): | - |
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Fun With Words (Golem) (BBC/Electron)
Five programs at an average price of less than two pounds each is very good value indeed.
Number Fun (Griffin) (Acorn Electron)
Displays are colourful but not breathtaking... Strangely the BREAK key is not protected.
Alien Dropout (Superior) (Acorn Electron)
Summary: Good game, interesting variation on well-used theme.
City Defence (Bug Byte) (Acorn Electron)
The graphics and sound in this game are barely adequate... I doubt if it would be worthy of publishing in a magazine.
Snowball (Level 9) (BBC Model B)
It has taken nine months to perfect this masterpiece and I envisage taking a similar length of time to complete it.
White Knight Mk 2 (BBC Soft) (Acorn Electron)
An impressive package which has obviously been very carefully designed. I recommend it to anyone regardless of their own standard of play.
Disassembler (Simonsoft) (BBC Model A & B)
A high-quality utility of great use to a wide range of users... A good example of this type of program.
Index (Microwave Nw) (BBC Model B)
A worthwhile program for educational establishments, or for others who would require such a program.
Spacefighter (Superior) (BBC Model B)
This Defender clone is fairly good, but it does not take advantage of the Beeb's facilities. A little more effort with the sound should have been in order.
Attack On Alpha Centauri (Software Invasion) (BBC Model B)
The lack of level variations and high-score table is a set-back, but these have necessarily been sacrificed for the quality of the graphics.
Sea-Lord (Bug-Byte) (BBC Model B)
This fair but unoriginal game should appeal to all those Space Invader freaks as a change from the standard game.
Pass Go (Kaydee) (BBC Model B)
The Mode 7 graphics are colourful but crude. The music which accompanies the journey is excellent - to begin with.
One Hundred And Eighty (A 'n F) (BBC Model B)
A difficult and challenging game with a definite novelty value but it tends to become rather monotonous after a while.
Wordsworth (Ian Copestake) (BBC Model B)
An exceptionally good program, providing many useful features at a low cost.
Owzat (Virgin Games) (BBC Model B)
I wouldn't call this user friendly. My first set of entries resulted in 'No such FN/PROC at line 10085'...!
Dodg'em (Microgame Simulations) (BBC Model A & B)
The sound and graphics employed in Dodg'Em are not as good as one expects to get on a micro with the capabilities of the BBC.
Microbe (Virgin Games) (BBC Model B)
The initial impact of the game was very exciting but I can imagine that the rather limited format could prove tiresome after a number of attempts.
Horror Castle (A 'n F) (BBC Model B)
With the number of adventure games currently on the market, to be successful a new entry must offer something that has not gone before. Unfortunately, Horror Castle does not.
Four Classic Arcade Games For The BBC B (Ganymede Systems) (BBC Model B)
All the games supplied with this package, are of a high standard in comparison with the originals. Very good value for money.
Beebtrek (Software For All) (BBC/Electron)
If you are an old fanatic of this type of game, there's no reason why this program shouldn't keep you occupied in lethal combat for hours.
Space Kingdom (Software For All) (BBC Model B)
You will need a good strategy to play the game well... Once you have a fair experience, you will find attacks more fruitful.
Wordspell (Griffin) (BBC Model B)
The best bit of the game is when you get something wrong (shame about incentive). The invader-like characters, which have been in attendance all along, burst into life and chuck out all the letters you have got wrong.
Elem Add/Elem Sub (Cottage) (BBC Model B)
Two very good programs for this age group; very well put together excellent use of graphics and colour.
Maths-Translations (Corona) (BBC Model B)
The progressive course of this program would prove ideal for both class teaching, as well as individual teaching/revision studies.
French Tutor (Salamander) (BBC Model B)
A very successful method of practising French vocabulary.
Multiply And Divide (Cottage) (BBC Model A & B)
These two programs cannot fail to encourage and improve learning.
Number Balance/Count On/Bearings/Prisms (Micro Concept) (BBC Model B)
Blah, I'm convinced most of the things that these programs do can be better done by other, perhaps more traditional, methods.
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