Games Computing


Publisher: Anirog
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Games Computing #9

Zodiac (Anirog)

Anirog have done it again! Another great game for the Commodore 64. The title page makes great use of the Commodore 64's superior graphics capabilities.

You are a beautifully animated little 'clone' who has to run around the 400 chambers to find the twelve different signs of the zodiac. In your path await demons of the chambers who go under the names of Jessor, Jukul, and Jufo. These creatures move in front of you, however a few shots from your blaster and the creatures explode into the void. The game is really electrifying - and so are the walls! One touch and your body self-destructs leaving you wing to float to the ground.

After you have collected the twelve different zodiac signs you have to face Jemon (the demon?), the most powerful dark master of the chamber. He makes the signs that you collected float around the room. You have to retrieve these signs and return them to the centre chamber. Sounds easy doesn't it? The big problem is that you cannot fire at the same time as holding a sign, and you can only hold one object at a time.


This is a brilliant game from Anirog, using well-animated graphics, and superb synthy sound. When your clone moves it makes a great 'footsteps' sort of sound.

There is a two player option and four levels of play. These determine how fast you can move through the corridors. The higher the level the slower you run.

The game has a turbo loader, this means that it will load in 57 seconds with no extra hardware. The game is cassette-based and uses joystick only.