Anirog has a veritable library of 16K games. This is an early one, an epic in four screens. Screen one, in which you hopefully land on the planet Xeno II, is the most attractive. Your parti-coloured (in common parlance, half and half) red and blue craft has to dodge cyan asteroids (solid ones not sketchy outlines) and delicately alight on the landing pad.
Flip to part two: three waves of homing mines to ward off, with a brief colour display for each success. Space invaders follow; personally the aliens didn't appear menacing enough for my tastes, looking rather "dumpy". Having succeeded (after many tries) in reaching the last screen you will be faced with a monumental task. To successfully blast a way through the forcefield and smash the power source, shots must be directed past blockading guardians whilst avoiding the bombs released by another helpful bunch. You will certainly require practice and a fair measure of skill to triumph in the game.
The sound effects are adequate and the program will certainly give you a good workout.