ST Format


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: New Deal Productions
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #14


New Deal Productions win the misnomer of the month award. At nearly £20, Wildlife is certainly no deal and is most definitely old hat. Back in STF 6, we reviewed a game from Infogrames called Safari Guns that was already a rehash of a game called African Safari by US Action. The only difference between Wildlife and Safari Guns is the bottom icon line.

Your objective is to travel to various parts of the world and photograph wild animals. While photographing the beasts you also have to see off various natives who seem to harbour an intense dislike for international wildlife photographers.

Icons to click on range from a hand and a normal camera to a telephoto camera and a gun. Your sole purpose is to snap or shoot (depending presumably on your politics) the various animals which pop their heads up. It's like one of those interminable afternoons out with your parents, you keep wondering when something interesting is going to happen, but nothing ever does.

Wildlife would probably appeal to a young age group deprived of access to the zoo or re-runs of Daktari, but even a three year old's interest would wane after blowing a couple of choice rhino away. The best advice is to save your money and buy something a bit harder and more thought-provoking - like a brazil nut.