Games Computing

Widow's Revenge

Publisher: Bubble Bus
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Games Computing #4

Widow's Revenge (Bubble Bus)

Billed as the sequel to Exterminator from the same company, this is a further variation of the Centipede theme.

The main difference on this occasion is that the warrior ants, which appear to have ousted the centipedes, can actually shoot back. Pest control definitely becomes a more dangerous task.

All the same this lacks some of the refinements of the original. The graphics are slightly cruder in design and the motion is less smooth. There is a two player option but there is no pause facility and no keyboard alternative to the joystick although as the joystick is used in part 1, the control, back arrow, 1, 2 and fire keys will operate albeit awkwardly.

Sound too is less impressive so that the option of turning it off would have been welcome but this too has disappeared in the changeover from Exterminator.

All in all this program suffers from the Rocky, Jaws and Superman syndrome - sequels do not always stand comparison with the original. Still, I suppose it's only fair that the insect life of the garden should have a chance to strike back!