Commodore User

Widows Revenge

Publisher: Bubble Bus
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #6

Widows Revenge

Gather your strength while it's loading! Son Of Centipede maybe; but it's a whole new ball game. Mushrooms are replaced in favour of blue eggs and dreaded white energy pods: no worm - but hordes of black spiders marching towards your DDT spray. If they bump into a blue egg they merely change course but an energy pod causes a deadly thread to be cast downscreen. The black widow tracks across the combat zone depositing energy pods but the real star is the bat-like creature, laying blue eggs willy nilly - you can't obliterate him, merely scuttle him off for a second or so. (He also demonstrates sprite graphics rather well.)

You can leave the screen light grey or allow it to change colour after each wave. One or two player option, with more than enough to shoot at even for adept arcadians. These features added to good graphics and sonics make this a good bet for all C64 owners. Will we get a sequel?