Future Publishing

Whacked! Live Update

Author: Steve O' Rourke
Publisher: Microsoft
Machine: Xbox (EU Version)

Published in Official Xbox Magazine #12

Whacked! Live Update (Microsoft)

The first Live party game and the one that non-Xbox gamers will be able to pick up and enjoy.

The Good Bits

Allows online newbies a fair chance at not getting annihilated the first time they log on, offering uncomplicated fun with simple objectives. People are quite conversational and with each game holding up to just four players you can get to know the opposition pretty well. There was no slowdown when I played and I even hosted a few games due to the very easy hosting options.

The Bad Bits

With only four game types, Whacked! doesn't offer any new challenges in multiplayer. There's no downloadable stuff or desire to play for ages.


It's a quick jolt of frenzied fun. Just don't expect a deep and meaningful experience.


Adds a competitive edge and the social aspect makes it fun to play.

Easy, but with only four players, you'll be lucky to find space.

Like MechAssault, Whacked! is lacking in game types.

Live Verdict
An instant party in your armchair - but a bit shallow.

Steve O' Rourke

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