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Watch Out: The Crime Prevention Game

Watch Out

CO1 - data
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DATA - data
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Welcome to Watch Out! The Crime Prevention Game.

You are P.C. Jones patrolling a row of houses near the police station. Unfortunately none of the residents has installed an alarm system, and so it is your job to help the residents fight crime.

On The Street

At the start of the game you are at the far left of the street and control is as follows:

'Z' moves left, 'X' moves right and '*' enters a building. When you have reached the end of the street, the computer will 'Bleep'.

The Alarms

When the P.C. enters a house the computer screen shows the alarm system, which must be wired up, as a series of switches (yellow), the alarm bell (red) and the control box (blue).

Use the following keys to lay the wire: Z - Left, X - Right, * - Up, ? - Down

In order to wire the alarm all of the switches must be connected by passing the wire through them and then through the bell in the centre of the screen. The wires must not cross each other, the bell must be connected after the switches and the wire must be rejoined to the alarm box last.

The Break-In

When a house is broken into you can see the downstairs windows are broken and the door is opened. If the house has an alarm attached then the P.C. has 40 seconds to reach the house. The time you have is shown by a purple bar at the botttom of the screen. At the same time a tone will sound.

The further the P.C. is away from the house, the higher the pitch. If no alarm is fitted to the house then the bar will appear and the tone will sound after the burglar has been in the house for 20 seconds.

The Arrest

To catch the burglar the P.C. simply has to enter the house before the burglar has finished burgling.

The Windows

If P.C.Jones is successful in stopping the burglar then the window sequence is entered. During this sequence the controls are the same as for the alarm sequence with the addition of the key. The return key locks the window.

You will be given twenty seconds to lock all of the windows in the house. (It can be done). To move between floors, stop at the top or bottom of the stairs and press '*' or '?' After the windows have been locked, if the house isn't alarmed then the game will proceed to the alarm sequence. When all of the windows are locked and the alarm is wired then the house will be 'LOCKED' and the burglar will be unable to break in.

The Station

At any time during the game the P.C. can go into the Police Station. Doing so produces a map of the street, this map assists by showing which houses are not alarmed. Houses that have been broken into are marked with an 'X', normal houses are just shown as houses, alarmed houses are shown by a bell and 'locked' houses are shown with a lock.


The game ends when either all houses are locked, all houses are burgled or when there are no more houses to be burgled of locked.