There comes a time - very rarely - when you load up a game and you can't think of anything to say about it. You look at it, go through the motions whilst your mind goes blank. Nothing, absolutely nothing. I'm at a complete loss as to what to say about War Play, but I'll try.
War Play is an arcade shoot-'em-up. The scenario, the cover informs you, is to invade an island, knock out the command posts and then go on to wipe out the enemy commander's headquarters. You are given three methods of attack. In each case, you control a single object with the joystick. Select from the menu either a tank, bomber or fighter. Each has its own failing, so it doesn't matter.
The tank is the slowest but the easiest to control - there are shades of Beach Head here. Its speed though makes it an easy target for the opposition's helicopters and more ridiculously some kind of robot-like animal (oh dear, powers of description elude me here) which comes along and obliterates you if you get stuck.
The fighter is forward-firing and more manoeuvrable. However, to destroy anything of significance you have to fly down to ground level - shades of Zaxxon. Since the playing area is so small though, the chances are that you'll fly into something whilst lining up a target. Trigger action as with all assault craft is slow and boring.
The bomber is slow and naturally drops its payload vertically. The problem I encountered here was the impossibility of hitting anything. Often you never see a hit because the scrolling takes your target out of sight before the bomb drops on it. Your lack of speed also means you are likely to be rammed by this little buzzing object (Descriptive inspiration again eludes me here).
In all the time I played this game I never hit a blockhouse or felt as if I was getting anywhere. Shoot-'em-ups, as I've said before, should give a sense of satisfaction at the sight of the enemy being blown away. Raw Plug is devoid of any reward for perseverance.
All we can be thankful for is that Anco had the decency not to give it a gross title like Raid Over Libya. I'm at a loss to add anything else to enlighten you. No more games like this on the C64 please.