Games Computing

War Games

Publisher: CBS Electronics
Machine: Coleco Vision Games System

Published in Games Computing #13

War Games (CBS Electronics)

This game is based on the film with you as the commander of NORAD defending the USA against an enemy ICBM attack.

Your first vital decision is to choose which defence sector is in the greatest jeopardy. You then have to chose which weapon you want to defend that sector. You can chose from sub patrols, ABMs, interceptor jets and satellites.

If your defence is successful you stop the NORAD computer from launching a counterstrike that will result in the destruction of mankind.


There are eight difficulty levels - the higher the level the more time you have to defend America, but the aggressor attacks much faster.

two things can result at the end of the game - a ceasefire or a counterstrike. A ceasefire means you bought enough time for diplomats to negotiate with the aggressor. The second result occurs because you could not stop the ICBM counterstrike.

Points are awarded when missiles, enemy subs and bombers are destroyed. If you are successful you earn a cities saved bonus and a military bases saved.

War Games is the only game of real strategy on a video console rather than a computer. Simulation is very good and the game is very accurate to the film in both graphics and gameplay.

Although difficult to play at first War Games is addictive and will last longer than most zap-zap games.

Overall, War Games can be summed up as a thinking man's Missile Command.