Future Publishing

UFC: Sudden Impact

Author: Joel Snape
Publisher: Global Star
Machine: PlayStation 2 (EU Version)

Published in Official UK PlayStation 2 Magazine #48

UFC: Sudden Impact

"Surely that's a foul, ref? No? Only one rule, you say..."

Depending on who you talk to, the Ultimate Fighting Championship is either (a) sport at its purest; a human game of chess where mind beats muscle in savage ballet, or (b) two hefty lads pummelling each other until one sneezes blood and cartilage.

Good news for the former group, then, as UFC (the game) addresses a lot of the last game's failings. The fighting's still fiddly for beginners - grapple-centric action means you'll have to memorise a couple of counters or be constantly tackled to the ground - but escaping from submission moves has been simplified just enough. For aficionados, the tactical element's been improved - take an opponent down next to the fence and they'll be pinned against it, leaving them vulnerable to a swift head-bongoing. A story mode provides longevity, although the training's horrendously basic.

For face-crunchers, sadly, the outlook's more bleak. Though there's a bit more savagery than last time - sometimes, the ref actually pulls you away from a concussed foe - there's still not nearly enough. The blood's made of little cubes and doesn't stay on the mat. There's facial damage, but it's superficial scarring, not the fistic remodelling that really happens. Eyes don't get puffy. Noses don't get broken. If you love the noble art of 'no holds barred', this edges out the last game, but if you want brutality, you're better off with the real thing.


Graphics 70%
Nice animation, but weedy bruising.

Sound 60%
Thrash rock... just right, then.

Gameplay 70%
Rewarding if you put the time in.

Lifespan 60%
We give it a week at best.

Overall 60%
Another game about shattering other men's cheekbones misses the sport's appeal. How's it ever going to get a wider audience?

Joel Snape

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