Commodore User

Typing Wizard

Publisher: Severn
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #13

Typing Wizard

Although not a game, we've decided to include Typing Wizard here as somebody somewhere may conclude typing is fun.

Have you ever been ashamed to put your two fingers to the keyboard, having witnesses a dizzying feat of ten-fingered touch-typing? Well, now help is at hand - you can improve your typing prowess in secret, using this patient tutor from Severn Software. In a series of lessons, ranging from the home keys to the whole keyboard, you are shown a graphic keyboard, with your fingers resting where they should be. You must type exercises exactly as shown on the screen; the computer beeps and rejects any wrong keys.

The letters are single letters, followed by groups of letters. At the end you are told how many errors you made, and your average typing speed. Also included is a speed test - you simply choose your own text, and type away. The 'copy what you see' exercises will also help keep your eyes away from the keyboard, a good discipline.

One niggling point, though: the program uses F7 as its Continue key, which can be awkward when you're at the start of a lesson, setting up your fingers as instructed. Having just arranged your fingers correctly, you must then remove your hand an press F7 to continue. Nevertheless, the program should prove useful to those of you who need to become proficient typists.