Commodore User

The Way Of The Tiger

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Ferdy Hamilton
Publisher: Gremlin
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #35

The Way Of The Tiger

Since you were too small to remember, I'd better tell you that you've lived since childhood on the island or Orb in the care of monks who have trained you to become a Ninja. But now is the testing time for you must face the three tasks Naijishi the Grand Master has set you. But will you compreet them, glasshopper?

This is the challenge you must face if you dare play Gremlin's Way Of The Tiger. As you may have gathered, it's another martial arts game (surprise, surprise!).

The game is set in three parts: Unarmed Combat, Pole Fighting, and Samurai Sword fighting. The actions follow each other in the test, but don't worry if you aren't good enough to even complete the first one because Gremlin have thrown in a practice mode allowing you to have a go at whichever battle you wish. So when you think you're up to it you may play the whole game.

The Way Of The Tiger

Your energy is set up into two groups, endurance and inner force. You lose one inner force point for every circle of endurance lost. The game ends when you're all out of that precious inner force.

Unarmed Combat is probably the easiest of the three sub-games simply because it's the most familiar, with all the normal blows and kicks, low punch, flying kick, etc.

This may sound like a normal fist-to-fist fight but it's far from it. Not all your opponents are human; you'll have to negotiate ghosts and maybe even the odd rock or two? Unarmed combat is a good game in its own right, many a software house would have sold it on its own at full price.

The Way Of The Tiger

Next, you move onto Pole Fighting. This is the second time that a software house has tried to put this on computer, but this version is far superior to Melbourne House's Fighting Warrior. The graphics are better, action is much faster and scrolling is both ways which gives an excellent view of the game.

The Pole Fighting bout is set on a slippery pole over a river. Short of stamina and inner force you must knock out a variety of opponents sent by the Grand Master himself. The moves consist of blocks, blows and jabs. The blocks are often hand to use at the right time but when you finally learn them they can be very useful.

Blows and jabs are basically what you'd expect; jabs are much faster to use and less powerful than the blows. This is definitely my favourite of the three events.

The Way Of The Tiger

Samurai Sword fighting is the last and toughest test to pass. You must face the toughest warriors and eventually the Grand Master himself if you want to become a Ninja.

Again the moves are what you'd expect in a sword fight. The graphics are up to the same high standard, with fast movement in front of some excellent scenery. But watch out, these opponents have tricks up their sleeve which you will not be able to perform!

Despite the lack of originality I was pleased with the whole game: great graphics, good gameplay. Gremlin are starting to reach a very high standard in Commodore software and are sure to have a massive hit with this, especially if they are charging only a tenner for what amounts to three good games.

Ferdy Hamilton

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  • Ninja Front Cover
  • Short Circuit Front Cover
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  • Hyber Blob Front Cover
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  • Danger Mouse In Double Trouble Front Cover
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  • Bedlam Front Cover
  • The Comet Game Front Cover
    The Comet Game
  • Football Director Front Cover
    Football Director
  • Raid 2000 Front Cover
    Raid 2000

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