Commodore User

The Rocky Horror Show

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: CRL
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #22

The Rocky Horror Show

Games based on well-known films or books actually have little or nothing to do with their originals. To its credit, CRL's Rocky Horror tries to introduce elements that Transylvanian transvestite fans will recognise.

As either one of the lovers Brad or Janet (you choose), you explore the rooms in Dr. Franknfurter's castle to find the pieces to rebuild the De-Medusa machine - you know, the one that will save your turned-to-stone partner. Meanwhile, a load of wacky weirdos wander around to do nasty things to you. Some of them zap you, others just take your clothes off - hmmm, well it was an adult film!

Since the instructions tell you just a few words more than nothing, merely finding out what to do will keep you gripped. Like what happens when Eddie thaws out and comes out of the freezer, and can you stop him? What do you do when you've been stripped of your smalls?

The Rocky Horror Show

Then there's the trickier problems: like how to turn off the laser beam to get into the labs? Who is that maniac on a motorbike? Why must you be careful in the evil Doc's bedroom?

And there's plenty of screens to explore, with reasonable graphics and the usual time limit to contend with. A commendable rendering of one of the Rocky Horror tunes (the Time Warp song) plays throughout. One nice touch is that you shuffle along sideways when your clothes have gone!

So finding out is what it's all about and there's plenty of that to do - but true Rocky fans won't give up that easily.

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