Commodore User

The Perils Of Willy

Publisher: Software Projects
Machine: Commodore Vic 20

Published in Commodore User #15

Perils Of Willy

Vic owners have had to look on in envy over the last few months as Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner have topped the charts with C64 and Spectrum owners reaching for their wallets in thousands.

Well now it's your turn to get some of the action as Software Projects have launched a Willy game for Vic owners with a 16K RAM pack. Miner Willy is faithfully depicted in Vic graphics right down to his most distinguishing feature - his bowler hat.

In this Willy game, our hero has discovered music and sets out to collect all the musical notes from the fourteen screens. It lacks the original's zaniness - somehow Miner Willy isn't quite Miner Willy without Martha, man-eating toilets, and mutant telephones.

That said - it's still a good game in its own right. It will take several days' play to get the top of that fourteenth screen.