Games Computing

The Oracle's Cave

Publisher: Dorcas
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Games Computing #15

The Oracle's Cave (Dorcas)

The Oracle's Cave is an exciting adventure game that uses part of the screen to display high resolution, animated graphics whilst the rest is used to display text and thereby prompt the adventurer for instructions.

In the game you are the adventurer trapped in the entrance to the Oracle's cave maze. The only exit is through the Oracle's own cave on level four. There is a map that draws the caves as you enter them showing the interconnections between the ones you have just left.

To escape and win the game you must fight fierce monsters (all graphically displayed on the screen with striking realism), collect the treasure (thereby increasing the score), carry out a quest and finally if the character has enough strength, defeat the Oracle and end the adventure.

To prevent the game from going on forever the adventurer has only five 'days' in which to complete the quest. The passage of time is displayed as either morning, afternoon, evening for each of the five days.

Throughout the game the Oracle asks you questions and gives you a choice of responses, for which only a single character reply is required. All the valid responses are shown on the status line at the bottom of the screen. The characters movements through the caves is graphically shown as are the fights with monsters. The game is played in real-time so that even whilst considering a move causes the passing of time.

Scattered in the caves are various articles that help the character as well as various weapons and the inevitable treasures. But these can only be obtained if the residing monster has been overwhelmed by having a greater degree of combat strength.

The game has been well designed and the graphics animation is realistic, but I feel that the only drawback is that only five days are given to complete the adventure.