ST Format

The Obscure Naturalist

Publisher: Goodmans Pd
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #39

The Obscure Naturalist

This is not, under any circumstances, to be confused with naturists who - er, play beach-ball and try not to giggle too much. No, you are the corduroy trouser-wearing type who's interested in birds. You've spotted a very rare heron and could gain loads of brownie points in ornithological circles if you get some good photographs of its chicks. The only problem is how - there's no film in your camera for starters, and the heron's nest unfortunately happens to be on an island.

The Obscure Naturalist is a text adventure written with STAC and the author has made a good job of it. It's well-crafted and free from the obvious grammatical and spelling errors that plague most text adventures - the writing is fairly rich too, and liberally sprinkled with dry humour. The puzzles are logical-ish and the graphics appealing. The gameworld could be more detailed and the syntax needed to do simple things could be less exacting, but it's a good example and worth a ramble - even if you don't get the chance to bludgeon other life-forms.