
The Hitchhiker's Guide To Artificial Intelligence

Categories: Review: Book
Author: Mike Williams
Publisher: Methuen
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in Beebug Volume 4 Number 7

The Hitchhiker's Guide To Artificial Intelligence

It is worth mentioning at the outset that this book is available in two versions; the one reviewed here being in BBC Basic (the other is in Applesoft Basic).

Artificial Intelligence is a subject that most computer enthusiasts have heard about, and maybe occasionally have read about in the popular press. Most would probably admit that in practice they were little more than novices in the field. This is where the authors of this book have stepped in with the aim of showing that artificial intelligence is exciting and well within the capabilities of most home users. How far the authors have succeeded you will have to judge for yourself.

Certainly this is not a book for the faint-hearted. There is a fair sprinkling of theory throughout the book but all is presented in a very readable way. Typical topics covered by this book include expert systems, natural language, image processing, machine learning, problem-solving and game playing strategies.

If you are tiring of some of the more conventional applications of computers then this book offers much food for thought. It is well written, attractively produced and well worth looking at.

Mike Williams