A&B Computing

The Bytes Brothers

Categories: Review: Book
Publisher: Armada
Machine: Spectrum 16K/48K/BBC A/BBC B/Electron

Published in A&B Computing 2.06

The Bytes Brothers (Armada)

For anyone interested in utilising their knowledge of BASIC to solve a computer mystery then Armada have a couple of paperbacks that should suit. The Bytes Brothers: Record A Robbery and The Bytes Brothers: Go To A Getaway by Lois and Floyd McCoy are just £1.25 each for a bit of solve-it-yourself mystery, with the help of your micro of course!

Other Reviews Of Bytes Brothers 1: Input An Investigation For The Spectrum 16K/48K/BBC A/BBC B/Electron

Bytes Brothers 1
A review by Ian Scales (Personal Computer News)