Commodore User

The Bulge

Publisher: Lothlorien
Machine: Commodore 64/128/Spectrum 48K

Published in Commodore User #22

The Bulge

Lothlorien's game allows you to reply the battle of the same name fought over Antwerp in 1942 with the choice of being either side or, for two players, both. Whichever side you choose, you will have complete control over divisions of tanks, infantry and artillery.

Action takes place on one screen which represents the terrain and identifies troops of both sides. A cursor sight allows you to scroll over the map which is several screens square. Pressing the Fire button displays more in formation concerning the identity and size of the unit.

You get to grips with the enemy by using the cursor and placing it over the symbols you require. It will then light up a different colour. Hit the fire button and it will display its status information. To move it, move the cursor to where you want it to go. A flashing white cursor tells you if it is already advancing. Units that come into contact automatically engage. You are in formed as to the outcome of each skirmish. Armour stands a better chance out in the open and infantry when in a town.

Points to bear in mind are to secure your fuel dump at Spar if you're fighting for the Fuhrer or you'll move and fight at half strength. The key to this absorbing game, though, is information. You must keep constant tabs on what the computer is telling you.

The Bulger is an engrossing realtime simulation that I guarantee will keep you stuck to the keyboard for longer than most of the tedious rip-off games currently around around at the moment. A good addition to your library of wargames and well up to Lothlorien's normal standards.