
The BBC Micro Gamesmaster

Categories: Review: Book
Author: Mike Williams
Publisher: Granada
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Beebug Volume 3 Number 7

The BBC Micro Gamesmaster

I was more impressed by this book than I had expected to be. This is one of the most recent books from the Granada stable for the BBC Micro and it shows. The production and presentation is excellent and the program listings are amongst the best I have seen for clarity of printing. Equally, the authors have exploited all the best features of BBC Basic to present well-designed and structured programs of excellent quality.

The purpose of this book is to show those who have already learnt the rudiments of Basic programming how to write good games programs employing animated graphics. Many useful techniques are developed in the course of presenting a total of six complete games and the authors have not been frightened to introduce sections of machine code where this is appropriate. Anyone who is keen to develop their own computer games should read this book, but it will have less to offer those who are just looking for a book of listings.

Mike Williams