Eight Bit Magazine

The Adventures Of Jane Jelly: The Egg Diamond

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Douglas McGregor
Publisher: Bum Fun
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in 8 Bit Annual 2019

The Adventures Of Jane Jelly: The Egg Diamond

Having played through the first two Adventures of Jane Jelly games my expectations were high for this one but after playing it, I am in two minds. Using both the Arcade Game Designer and AGDMusicizer II Grilo has taken some of the positive aspects of the first two games and improved upon them. Perhaps it’s just a personal preference, but the one hit death (in the style of Manic Miner) has been replaced with an energy bar which makes the game less challenging and alters the entire dynamic of the gameplay. The game has now changed from a precise platforming experience into more of an exploration with platforming elements. The game is unquestionably bigger and more ambitious than its predecessors with superior graphics and animation but not necessarily a better playing experience. The music by Yerzmyey however, is outstanding for the Spectrum and hugely adds to the excitement and atmosphere of the game.

Plot And Gameplay

The game opens with an excellent loading screen and some fantastic music. This transitions into some informative text setting the scene as follows: "Jane Jelly is on Badass Guys Island to find the Egg Diamond and then leave the island with her clothes on."

This is a rarity for Spectrum games but this title has to come with a mature content warning. The humour is very tongue-in-cheek and the graphics are in no way explicit but when Jane Jelly is captured the character restarts in jail and has had her clothing removed. There are also several strong swear words throughout the game so I wouldn’t advise allowing children to play it. This all seems rather unnecessary and tarnishes what is otherwise a very playable and enjoyable game. The controls are intuitive but an imprecise jump can lead to Jane becoming stuck in the scenery which can be frustrating at times. There are several items lying around and you will spend some time trying to figure out how to pick them up before realising that you can’t. When you find an item which is of use, only then will Jane pick it and the text at the bottom of the screen will inform you what it is. This makes up most of the gameplay. Each room features some form of flying enemy to avoid, a human enemy to jump over, a ladder or two to climb and artefact to explore. As with many Spectrum games, the flick screen comes into play as each enemy will change position when you walk on and off of the screen. So if an enemy is in a dangerous position you can walk back off the screen and then return to find them in a much more favourable place.

The Adventures Of Jane Jelly 3: The Egg Diamond

After many captures and deaths you will find the Egg Diamond and escape on a boat to fortune and glory! The problem now is that you know where everything is and in future the game can be finished in under five minutes so the replay value is very low.

What I Like

This is a larger and more ambitious game than its predecessors. The exploration element is fun while it lasts. The music is excellent.

What I Didn't Like

Removal of clothes when the character is caught seems to be unnecessary and may cause offence. The precise platforming action is no longer present making the gameplay less challenging and addictive. The game has almost no replay value after finishing it once.


I can see where Grilo has tried to improve the Jane Jelly series and as a programmer, he has created a more impressive game in almost every sense. The game is well designed and fun to play but is not the same platforming experience or as much fun as the other games in the series.

Douglas McGregor

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