Commodore User


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Bubble Bus
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #16


Bug blasting has proved to be a rich vein for programmers; this latest nugget to be mined is slightly different from the norm. Your alter ego is dumped in a succession of ten rooms, each well peppered with mini-bugs and mega-bugs, very mobile sprite-nasties whose behaviour, form and temperament vary with each cubicle.

Umpteen rounds of ammo plus a renewable arsenal of smart bombs are at your disposal, giving you the wherewithal to vaporise everything obnoxious before the advancing walls wreak havoc with your overall dimensions! After clearing each second room, up pops a bonus screen; digits and bombs to collect, but again beware of the marching masonry.

A good blast-'em-away, with an extra edge of your seat, nightmare add-on. Should you find it all too easy there are another ten super rooms to tangle with. So keep your thumb on the button and your eyes on the screen if you don't want to end up as flat meat. Good fun but with no new ideas. Are screen zappers bothered?